YOUTH > KidStop After School Program
KidStop After School Program

The YMCA KidStop Afterschool Program is an after-school child care program for students grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. The program runs Monday-Friday from school dismissal until 5:30pm. Various structured activities are provided each day that take advantage of the YMCA facilities that include the Kid Center, Classroom, 'Kids Kave', Playground, Gym and Swimming pools. The groups also utilize Rawlins Library and outside areas when weather permits. Participants will have the opportunity to choose where they would like to play within the designated areas provided for that day with the supervision of a YMCA KidStop staff member. Each parent/guardian will receive a Parent Handbook that outlines policies and procedures for the YMCA KidStop Afterschool Program.
The YMCA KidStop Afterschool Program is designed to provide quality safe child care for families after school where children learn new things, make friends, be physically and mentally active and have fun! The YMCA also promotes our Character Development program that emphasizes the values of respect, honesty, responsibility and caring. These basic core values are built into the activities and fun times experienced by each child. We hope that the families of our kids will help us in supporting these characteristics by reminding each child to be courteous and respectful at all times. This includes time on the buses, at the YMCA, to one another and our toys.
We look forward to having you join us this fall! See you then!
For registration please bring:
- Registration form
- Parent Handbook/Photo Release Form
- Picture
- River City Transit Form
Billing, Fees, Financial Aid
The KidStop Afterschool Program is $121/month per child for members and $141/month per child for non-members. Payment is due no later than the 5th of each month.
Those that elect to have the payment automatically taken out of their bank account will receive a 10% discount each month. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Those seeking financial aid must first apply for Child Care Assistance (CCA) with the SD Dept. of Social Services. More information about CCA can be found at: http://dss.sd.gov/childcare/subsidyprogram/ or by calling the Dept. of Social Services at (605) 773-3165. If you have applied for assistance through CCA and have been denied, you may then apply for financial assistance through the Oahe YMCA. You must submit proof that you have been denied for CCA through the state with your financial assistance application to the Oahe YMCA.
Financial assistance applications are available at the front desk and must be submitted and approved prior to the beginning of the school year. Reminder: Half-days are included in the Kids Stop fees, but School's Out (full release days) are not included in the cost of the KidStop Afterschool Program. For child care on days when there is no school see our program "School's Out Fun Club".
Transportation from school to the YMCA is provided by River City Transit. Schools will release at 2:55 pm. The bus schedules are as follows:
2:55-3:05pm - Capitol Ave. [side of school]
2:55-3:05pm - Corner of Central & 4th
St. Joe’s
2:55-3:05pm - Highland St. [down the hill by the driveway]
Bus times are approximate and subject to change. Pick up times depend upon number of students at each school and drive time. Students need to be ready to board the bus right after school. If a child is required to stay after school and will miss the bus, an alternate ride to the YMCA will need to arranged by the parent/guardian.
For more information or any questions about the YMCA KidStop Afterschool Program, please contact Lisa Maunu YMCA Youth Development Director at 224-1683 or lisa@oaheymca.org.